Tenemos más de 15 años de experiencia trasladando clientes a México, Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo.

Trabajamos con una red de conductores y podemos ofrecer recogidas y entregas a casi cualquier lugar.
The moving process can start with this easy online form!
Client Information Form

1. Make an inventory of your household items. It does not have to be item-by-item, but we do need a full number of pieces/boxes and details of each box.
for example
Box 1
shoes, clothes and towels
Box 2
dishware, flatware and towels

this list should correspond with numbers on each box

please also include any furniture items, items needing packing, etc

2. We give you a quote based on your inventory and the level of service you require. 
  • We offer a Full Moving service where we pack your items on pick up and unpack on delivery. With Full Moving, we offer an express option which will aim to get to your destination direct.
  • We offer an Economy Moving service where you can pack your own items and we deliver to the ground floor of your new house. 
  • We offer Custom Moving where you pack some and we pack some
3. We set the date for the moves, depending on the distance, weather conditions among other factors.  

4. We pick up your items and move them to your destination. We work with a broker at the border to present all the required documents to customs to ensure that your items cross safely.

5. After crossing the border we will drop off your shipment and either unpack (Full Moving Service) or place your boxes on the ground floor of your new home.
Cada movimiento es personalizado y único para la situación específica.

El costo exacto de su mudanza dependerá de
  • pies cúbicos totales para mover
  • peso de la carga
  • distancia de origen y destino
  • nivel de servicio (embalaje, etc.)
  • accesibilidad de sus ubicaciones

Se le permite traer los siguientes artículos con usted, siempre que formen parte de su hogar:
  • Ropa
  • Libros
  • Mueble
  • Obras de arte (siempre que no estén destinadas a la reventa)
  • Instrumentos artísticos, científicos o técnicos para su profesión
  • Electrodomésticos y Electrónica Usados
  • Instrumentos musicales
  • Bicicletas
  • Otros artículos domésticos generales
Existen restricciones en los siguientes elementos:
comuníquese con nosotros para obtener información detallada sobre las restricciones

  • Artículos destinados a usos comerciales o industriales
  • Alcohol
  • Comida
  • Armas y armas de fuego
  • Explosivos
  • Artículos inflamables (gasolina, propano, etc.)
  • Tela
  • Grandes cantidades de artículos individuales
  • Madera suelta
  • Los vehículos y las mascotas no se pueden importar como parte de los artículos del hogar.
    • ofrecemos estos servicios como un contrato separado
  • Copia de la solicitud de residencia temporal, visa temporal o visa permanente
  • Lista de inventario
    • Asegúrese de marcar cada casilla con un número que corresponda a la lista.
    • La aduana abrirá algunas de las cajas, así que asegúrese de que la lista coincida con el contenido de la caja.
    • Cuando describa el contenido de las cajas, simplemente dé una descripción de alto nivel. Por ejemplo, "artículos para el hogar", "artículos de tocador", "artículos de cocina", "ropa usada", etc.
    • Asegúrese de indicar si los artículos son nuevos o usados
    • Si tiene algún dispositivo electrónico importante (TV, electrodomésticos grandes), registre el número de modelo y la marca en la lista de inventario en la descripción.
  • Comprobante de domicilio en México (factura de agua, luz, contrato de vivienda, etc.)
  • Copia del pasaporte (solo la página de la imagen y la página del sello de la última entrada)
  • Copia del comprobante de la última entrada
Sus pertenencias siempre están sujetas a inspección en la frontera.
Todos los elementos siguientes requieren un permiso especial y deben divulgarse.
  • Alimentos
  • Especias
  • Medicamentos : asegúrese de proporcionarnos una receta médica para medicamentos y suplementos.
  • Artículos en empaque nuevo
  • Grandes cantidades del mismo artículo : traer artículos a México para la venta comercial es un no-no, ¡asegúrese de que sus artículos sean solo para uso personal!
  • Alcohol
  • Vehículo motorizado de cualquier variedad (scooter, carrito de golf, moto de cross, bicicleta motorizada, etc.)
Yes, you can bring your US plated-vehicle into Mexico but there are some important rules to know ...

For importation you will need:
  • Title for the vehicle or a letter from your creditor indicating you have permission to bring it into Mexico
  • Temporary Vehicle Import Permit (TIP) - you can now apply online Banjercito Website
  • You can apply up to 6 months in advance but no shorter than 10 days in advance.
  • Obtain Mexican Car Insurance 
  • License or registration of the vehicle
  • Copy of your Drivers License
  • VIN (Vehicle Id number)
  • Ensure there are no items of value in the car prior to transport
  • 16% IVA (Sales tax) will be charged at customs
Registration & Nationalization
  • Tourists & Temporary Residents. As a tourist or temporary resident you can bring your US plated vehicle into Mexico without obtaining Mexican license plates. In this case, with a TIP (Temporary Import Permit) the vehicle will have permission in the country for as long as your visa.
    • Tourist Visas - Vehicle must be removed from the country after 6 months  
    • Temporary Residents - Vehicle can remain in Mexico after expiration if Visa is renewed.
    • Tourist visa converted to temporary resident - The car doesn’t have to be removed from Mexico, you only need to notify customs within 15 days of your change of immigration status.
    • Trailers & Motorhomes - Permits for trailers & motorhomes are good for 10 years regardless of your Visa length.
    • Off-road Vehicles, Off-road Dirt Bikes & Watercrafts - You can bring up to three vehicles in this category under the same TIP as your car. Note a street-legal motorcycle is considered the same as a car and must
    • Registration Payment - Pay for TIP registration at Banjercito online or in person using an international credit card. You will be provided with a special sticker which allows the car to be legally driven in Mexico.
      Be sure to have the following documents in original and copy:
      • Passport 
      • Birth Certificate
      • Vehicle Title
      • Vehicle Registration
      • Driver’s License
      • Proof of Return of any Previous Vehicle (If applicable)
      • If you are not the vehicle owner, provide proof of your relationship to the owner (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.) 
    • The maximum weight for all vehicles, including motor homes, is 7,716 pounds (3.8 tons)
    • If you do not remove your vehicle from Mexico before your permit expires, you will be subject to penalties and your car can be confiscated!
  • Nationalizing Your Vehicle. If you are entering Mexico as a Permanent Resident, you may not bring a foreign plated car into Mexico on a TIP. Instead, you must nationalize the car. Nationalizing the vehicle gives you permission to keep it in the country indefinitely. 
    • Permit required from the Secretary of Economy
    • Only vehicles manufactured in North America (Mexico, US or Canada) can be nationalized in Mexico
      • Vehicles manufactured in North America which are exactly 10 years old (from date of import) do not need a permit!
    • Temporary residents converted to permanent residents - If you change your residency status to Permanent resident while your vehicle is permitted by a TIP, you must take the vehicle out of the country. At that point you can choose to sell it or nationalize it for re-entry.
    • Nationalization rules are complex, reach out to a customs broker to let them handle the process for you!
Mexico's Free Zone
If your vehicle will stay in the Baja Peninsula then you won't need a permit. Learn more about the "Free Zone" in this great article by www.mexpro.com to see if this applies to you.

We receive a lot of questions regarding rules when importing motorcycles. Here’s some quick reference on what’s allowed:

  • A street-legal full sized Motorcycle is considered a vehicle and not a recreation vehicle by Mexican customs and therefore must follow the same import rules as cars.
  • Only one street vehicle is allowed for import into Mexico by person.
  • Motorcycles require a TIP for import.
    • Applying for a Temporary Vehicle Import Permit (TIP) 
      • ONLINE: You can apply online here up to 6 months in advance but no shorter than 10 days in advance. We strongly recommend obtain the TIP at least 2 months in advance of your move because processing can be delayed and the permit will be mailed to your home.
      • AT THE BORDER: You can obtain the TIP at the border however the person who is listed on the title of the motorcycle must be present to request and receive it. Only an immediate family member (Spouse, Parent, Child) can request it on the owner’s behalf. You will need documentation (original and spanish translated copy) of the proof of relationship (birth or marriage certificate), the title and registration.
  • Motorcycles can be imported by a shipper/mover without your presence at the border as long as the TIP is obtained prior to the move.
  • You may import as many motorcycles as you’d like as long as you have a TIP for each one in different names. For example, if you want to import 4 motorcycles and you don’t have a TIP for any other vehicle in your name you can obtain (1) a TIP in your name, (2) a TIP in your Spouses name, (3) a Tip in a child’s name, (4) a TIP in a parent’s name.
Le solicitamos que reserve al menos 4-6 semanas antes de su mudanza para asegurar el rango de fechas deseado y planificar su viaje adecuadamente.
Aceptamos pagos en los siguientes métodos
  • Transferencia bancaria
  • Cheque estadounidense
  • Pesos o dólares en efectivo
  • Tarjeta de crédito / débito
  • PayPal
Contamos con grandes almacenes de almacenamiento en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México y Laredo, Texas
Podemos trasladar su hogar dentro de todo México

Comuníquese con nosotros para obtener más información sobre las mudanzas de estado a estado.
Definitivamente derroche la caja correcta cuando piense en su vajilla favorita. El uso de cajas de pared simple para todas las aplicaciones no son cajas de "platos" que tienen doble pared.

¡Mira este gran video corto para obtener consejos profesionales sobre cómo empacar vajilla para que todo llegue sin daños!
Preparamos su documentación para cruzar la frontera, ya sea de México a los Estados Unidos o de los Estados Unidos a México.

Requerimos copias de documentos sensibles como
  • Pasaporte
  • Número de seguridad social
  • Tarjeta de residencia
  • Etc
Tenga la seguridad de que estos documentos solo se usan para completar el papeleo requerido y luego todas las copias se envían en nuestro shreader de papel industrial en el sitio.